University students when starting their education as undergraduates have high level educational
goals. However, some students face different problems that divert their focus away from these
goals or lessen their enthusiasm for learning. Student counselling is an effort to improve students’
psychological wellbeing, strengthen adaptive behaviours and coping skills and thereby support
achievement of their educational goals. Student counsellors of the Faculty of Allied Health
Sciences guide students by identifying potential solutions to problems causing psychological
imbalance, which can threaten the learning environment.
In addition, student counsellors support students with special talents in various disciplines such as
sports, aesthetic activities, etc., and help them improve/showcase their talents.
Educational, emotional, social, behavioral, financial, talent-related, conflict-related, career-related
Liaise with health center, proctors, marshals, professional counsellors, professional psychologists,
career guidance unit, director accommodation, sources of financial support etc.
Student counsellors work in a private and confidential and/or convenient setting with individuals or groups of students through face-to-face discussions, telephone conversations, and using electronic communication methods.
Office hours: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM from Monday to Friday Student counsellors are available around the clock for emergencies.
Six academic staff members from the five of the departments of the faculty are nominated by the Faculty Board and formally appointed by the Student Services Division to serve as Senior Student Counsellor (SSC)s. One SSC acts as the coordinator of SSCs of the Faculty.
Dr. L.C.P.T. Liyanaarachchie
FAHS Coordinator of SSCs
Department of Pharmacy
071 444 7550
Dr. K.L.T.D. Jayawardene
Department of Medical Laboratory Science
076 664 4102