Workshop on “Laboratory safety & practices”
A workshop on ‘laboratory safety & practices’ for the technical officers and laboratory attendants was held on 29th January, 2019 successfully at the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences. The workshop was organized by the guidance of the Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya. Following topics were discussed by the academic staff of the Department of MLS who were the resource persons of this workshop.
- Introduction to Laboratory hazard in means of prevention
- Selecting appropriate safety measures
- Hazard communication
- Safe work practices
- Occupational health & environmental safety
- Handling equipment safety and lab emergencies
- Waste disposal methods
In addition to that, a demonstration session on fire extinguishers and prevention of fire was conducted by the officer from the Kandy Municipal Council fire brigade unit. About 40 technical officers and laboratory attendants attached to different faculties of the University participated in this workshop.