Peradeniya University Physiotherapy Congress 2017
The Department of Physiotherapy organized the second “Peradeniya University Physiotherapy Congress 2017” under the theme “Expanding Horizons of Physiotherapy”. The event was held on 20th - 22nd October 2017 at the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya.
Ceremonial inauguration of the congress was held on 20th October 2017 with the presence of Prof. U.B. Dissanayake - Vice Chancellor of University of Peradeniya as the chief guest.
Dr. U.J.M.A.L. Jayasinghe - Acting Head, Department of Physiotherapy chaired the congress. Vice chancellor of the University of Peradeniya - Prof. Upul B. Dissanayake graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and inaugurated the congress. Guest of Honour - Dr. H.J. Suraweera (Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon - Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya), Prof. D.B. Mahinda Wickramarathne - Dean - Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Deans of other faculties of University of Peradeniya and academic staff members of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences took part in the ceremonial inauguration of the congress.
The congress was comprised of scientific research session and a workshop. Dr. Piyush Jain - Head, the Department of Physiotherapy, Jaipur National University, India was the resource person for the congress and the workshop on ‘Dry Needling - A new physiotherapeutic way of pain management’.
The Peradeniya University Physiotherapy Congress 2017, was a good prospect to promote research and generate new knowledge in the field of physiotherapy and offered a brilliant opportunity for the professionals in Sri Lanka to update their knowledge to be in par with the modern era.