Department of Pharmacy

Faculty of Allied Health Sciences

Prof. M.H.F.Sakeena

Official Address :

Department of Pharmacy,
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,
University of Peradeniya,
Augusta Hill, Sri Amarawansa Mawatha
Sri Lanka

Email :

Telephone :



  • PhD in Pharmacy (2020), Sydney Pharmacy School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

  • M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Technology (2010), School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science University of Malaysia (USM), Malaysia

  • Bachelor of Pharmacy (2002), Faculty of Pharmacy, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan

  • Pharmacist (2004) - Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) registration number 5659

  • Pharmacist (2004) - Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) registration number 5659

    Academic Positions
  • Professor in Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences (FAHS), University of Peradeniya (Since February 2021 to date)

  • Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy (Gr I) Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences (FAHS), University of Peradeniya (Since November 2017 to January 2021)

  • Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy (Gr II) Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences (FAHS), University of Peradeniya (2011 to 2017)

  • Lecturer in Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences (FAHS), University of Peradeniya (2006 to 2011) Founding member

  • • Assistant Lecturer in Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya (2005-2006)

  • Leadership roles at the University of Peradeniya
  • Secretary, Higher Degrees Committee, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences (May 2021 to date)

  • Programme coordinator, MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Peradeniya (January 2020 to date)

  • Editor-in-Chief and coordinator for Proposal writing, MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Peradeniya (August 2019 to date)

  • Coordinator and main contact, Memorandum of Understanding between Quest International University (QIU), Malaysia and University of Peradeniya (October 2020 to date) [in progress]

  • Editor-in-Chief for proposal wiring and coordinator, antimicrobial resistance short course for health care professionals, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya (December 2019 to date)

  • Member, Development of University level policies committee, Policy on Assessments and Awards, Internal Quality Assurance Unit, University of Peradeniya (2020 to date)

  • Member, Committee for Self-Evaluation Report Writing – Institutional Review, Internal Quality Assurance Unit, University of Peradeniya (2020 to date)

  • Head of the Department, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya (2012 to 2014)

  • Lecturer-in-Charge, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya (2011 to 2012)

  • Coordinator, Education Unit, FAHS, University of Peradeniya (2013-2014)

  • Senior treasurer, Pharmaceutical Society of University of Peradeniya (2012-2013)

  • Member, Academic Development Program committee (ADPC), FAHS (2012-2014)

  • Member, Faculty e-Learning Committee, FAHS (2012 – 2014)

  • Member, Faculty English Committee, FAHS (2012 – 2014)

  • Member, Time Table Committee, Implementation of the first Time Table for FAHS, in 2007

  • Member, Task force Committee, B.Pharm Curriculum Development Programme University of Peradeniya (2005-2007)

Professional Society Memberships
  • Council member, Pharmaceutical Society of Sri Lanka (2022- to date)
  • Life member, Pharmaceutical Society of Sri Lanka (since 2012)
  • Member, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) (2018 – present)
  • Member, Commonwealth Pharmacists Association (CPA) (2012- present)
  • Student member, Australasian Pharmaceutical Sciences Association (APSA) - (2016-2019)
Scholarships and Awards
  • 2023 - Merit Awards for Scientific Publications, National Research Council (NRC), Sri Lanka
  • 2021 - Presidential awards for outstanding scientific publications – for publishing in high impact factor journals (3 awards received)
  • 2020 - Tier 4* Researcher award by University Grants Commission (UGC) for high citations for journal publications – Health Sciences discipline
  • 2018 - Outstanding poster presentation in pharmacy education, Australasian Pharmaceutical Sciences Association (APSA), Australia
  • 2018 - Second prize for best oral presentation, Pharmaceutical Student Symposium, The University of Sydney with American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) student chapter, Sydney, Australia
  • 2018 - Travel Grant, Postgraduate Research Support Scheme (PRSS), Sydney Pharmacy School, The University of Sydney
  • 2014 - Endeavour Postgraduate Research Award, Government of Australia to complete my PhD studies at the University of Sydney, Australia
  • 2014 - Grant for International Academic /Research Collaboration, International Research Centre, University of Peradeniya, Award Number: InRC/VS/Sakeena
  • 2012 - National Research Award: “Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems – Regulatory Requirements in Asian Scenario”, under India-Sri Lanka Research program 2012, from Ministry of Technology and Research, Government of Sri Lanka. Award Number: MTR/TRD/Agr/3/1/11
  • 2011 - Merit Awards for Scientific Publications, National Research Council (NRC), Sri Lanka
  • 2010 - Merit Awards for Scientific Publications, National Research Council (NRC), Sri Lanka
  • 2007 - Travel Grant: Awarded from the University Grants Commission to travel to Penang, Malaysia from Colombo, Sri Lanka. Award Number: UGC/HR/4/7/38/2
  • Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship: Investigating AMR patterns, antibiotic prescribing trends with WHO AWaRe classification, pharmacist-led AMS interventions, implementing antimicrobial surveillance models to enhance hospital infection control strategies.
  • Pharmacist-led Healthcare Innovations: Enhancing the role of pharmacists in optimizing medication therapy, polypharmacy management, and promoting antimicrobial stewardship.
  • Access to Medicines and Global Health: Studying the impact of pharmacist-led interventions in conflict zones and underserved areas to improve antibiotic access and reduce misuse.
  • Digital Health and Data-driven Healthcare Solutions: Exploring AI-driven pharmaceutical care, digital AMS platforms, and real-time antimicrobial surveillance tools.

Summary: (Publications 37, google scholar h-index 16, citations 682 as of 20 th September 2021)

Google Scholar| Research Gate | ORCiD: 0000-0001-9854-1451 |   Scopus ID: 33568274100

  • Sakeena MHF, Bennett AA, McLachlan AJ. Investigating knowledge regarding antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance among pharmacy students in Australian universities. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research 2020, 50 (5)

  • Sakeena MHF, Bennett AA, McLachlan AJ. Strategies to be implemented in Sri Lanka to overcome the challenge of antimicrobial resistance: Narrative review. Pharmaceutical Journal of Sri Lanka 2020; 10 (1), 1-11

  • Sakeena MHF, Bennett AA, Carter SJ, McLachlan AJ. A comparative study regarding antibiotic consumption and knowledge of antimicrobial resistance among pharmacy students in Australia and Sri Lanka. PLoS One 14(3): e0213520

  • Sakeena MHF, Bennett AA, McLachlan AJ. The need to strengthen the role of the pharmacist in Sri Lanka: perspectives. Pharmacy 2019, 7 (54)

  • Sakeena MHF, Bennett AA, McLachlan AJ. Enhancing pharmacists’ role in developing countries to overcome the challenge of antimicrobial resistance: a narrative review. Antimicrobial resistance and infection control 2018, 7:63

  • Sakeena MHF, Bennett AA, Jamshed S, Mohamed F, Herath DR, Gawarammana I, McLachlan AJ. Investigating the knowledge regarding antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance among pharmacy students in Sri Lankan universities. BMC infectious diseases 2018, 18:209

  • Sakeena MHF, Bennett AA, Jamshed S, Mohamed F, Herath DR, Gawarammana I, McLachlan AJ. Investigating the knowledge regarding antibiotics among pharmacy and allied health students in a Sri Lankan university. Journal of infection in developing countries 2018, 12: 726-732

  • Sakeena MHF, Bennett AA, McLachlan AJ. Non-prescription sales of antimicrobial agents at community pharmacies in developing countries: a systematic review. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2018, 52(6): 771-782

Honorary and International Appointments
  1. Research Affiliate: Sydney Pharmacy School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia (2020 to date).
  2. Board Member: Collaboration between Australia and Sri Lanka for Pharmacy Practice, Education and Research - CASPPER (2021 to date).
  3. Member: FIP-AMR Commission, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) (2022 to date).
  4. Expert Member: Clinical Pharmacy Initiative, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka & WHO Collaboration (2023 to date).
  5. Co-investigator: Study on bacterial infections and AMR during COVID-19 across multiple countries, including the USA, Mexico, Spain, South Africa, India, and Sri Lanka. Grant from the Netherlands research group (2021–2023).
  6. Country Representative: Council meetings of Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association (CPA). Participated in three consecutive years in three different countries; Sydney, Australia in 2017, Glasgow, UK in 2018, and Abu Dhabi, UAE in 2019.
  7. Chief Organizer: Australian scholars’ team visits to University of Peradeniya to teach Clinical Pharmacy (2012, 2013, 2014, and 2022 to date).
  8. Preceptor: B. Pharm student research project in Quality Use of Medicines, appointed by the School of Pharmacy, University of Queensland, Australia (2014).
  9. Research Collaborator: Organizing the workshop in India - KVSR Siddhartha College of Pharmaceutical Sciences under Indo-Sri Lanka bilateral programme (2013).
  10. Member: Preparation and signing of MoU between Science University of Malaysia (USM) and University of Peradeniya for Pharmacy undergraduate programme (2007).
International Invited speaker presentations

  1. Invited speaker - Title: Formulation and Evaluation of Palm Oil Esters Based Nano-emulsion for Topical Delivery of Ketoprofen at School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science University of Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia on 26th March 2010.
  2. Invited speaker - Title: Enhancing Pharmacy Education for Optimal use of Antimicrobial Agents at Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) global forum, jointly organized by the Commonwealth Pharmacists Association (CPA) and Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA), Sydney, Australia 28 – 30th July 2017.

International collaborations

  1. Research affiliate, Sydney Pharmacy School, The University of Sydney, Australia (2019-2021)
  2. Chief organizer for Australian team visit to University of Peradeniya to teach Clinical Pharmacy. (2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014)
  3. Preceptor for the B.Pharm student research project in Quality Use of Medicines appointed by School of Pharmacy, University of Queensland, Australia (2014)
  4. Collaborator from University of Peradeniya, Sri Lankan side: Science Bridge program between India and Sri Lanka for collaborative research and mutual cooperation with Indian institutions. Proposal was submitted in 2013 and our proposal was short listed for award by the Ministry of Technology and Research, Sri Lanka (2014)
  5. Collaborator for organizing the workshop in India -KVSR Siddhartha College of Pharmaceutical Sciences under India-Sri Lanka bilateral programme (2013)
  6. Member : preparation signing of MoU between Science University of Malaysia (USM) and University of Peradeniya for Pharmacy undergraduate programme (2007)

University and National Grants

  1. Research Grant: University Research Grants, University of Peradeniya 2014. Sri-Lankan rupees 486,800. Splitting Paracetamol tablets for pediatric usage and dose accuracy. Award Number: RG/2014/13/AHS
  2. Science bridge programme between India and Sri Lanka: Short listed for award by the ministry of Technology and Research. Award Number: MTR/TRD/AGR/03-03
  3. Grant for International Collaboration: Awarded from the International Research Centre, University of Peradeniya to support a visiting scholar from Australia. This grant used for the Air fare and accommodation for the visiting scholar. Award value: Sri Lankan rupees 200,000. Award Number: InRC/VS/Sakeena
  4. National Research Award: “Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems – Regulatory Requirements in Asian Scenario” National Research Award was received under India-Sri Lanka Research program 2012, from Ministry of Technology and Research, Government of Sri Lanka. Award Number: MTR/TRD/Agr/3/1/11
  5. Research Grant: University Research Grants, University of Peradeniya 2011. Sri-Lankan rupees 110,000. A study on the effect of high-shear on virgin coconut oil based nano-emulsion. Award Number: RG/2011/10/AHS
  6. Travel Grant: Awarded from the University Grants Commission to travel to Penang, Malaysia from Colombo, Sri Lanka in July 2007. Award Number: UGC/HR/4/7/38/2