International Collaborators

Faculty of Allied Health Sciences

Frequently Asked Questions

Before Applying

Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya currently offers six undergraduate Bachelors programs.

  • Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing Honours
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Radiography Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Radiotherapy Honours
All students who wish to apply for a placement must read the UGC Handbook for more information. In addition, details of different degree programs are available on the faculty website under Departments and Units (
Entry requirements are specific to degree programmes. Refer to the UGC Handbook for programme specific entry requirements
Applications for university admission will be invited by the UGC by means of notices published in the press. Candidates should submit their applications online following the instructions given in the UGC Handbook
English language requirement of GCE (O/L) may vary from one degree program to another. Refer to the UGC Handbook for latest information on minimum eligibility requirements for admission into allied health programme. The medium of instructions for all the degree programmes at FAHS is English. Hence fluency in English is important.
New entrants are required to follow an intensive English course for approximately 6 weeks before the academic programme starts.

In the first and second year of the study programme, four (4) compulsory English modules are offered to help you with your learning. The faculty has an English Language Teaching Unit which operates under the Department of English Language Teaching (DELT), Faculty of Arts. The lecturers and instructors are always available for students who need additional attention in improving their English language skills.
The university provides residential facilities for the new entrants at the commencement of the English course on the basis of the distance to the university. Students who are residing 50 Km away from the university will receive hostel facility during their first academic year.
Due to the increased intake of students in recent years, residential facilities could not be provided to second year students. However, university provides residential facilities for third year undergraduates on the basis of distance and all final year students irrespective of the distance.

Enrolled Undergraduats

Registration is valid for one semester and shall be renewed subject to the provisions of rules and regulations of the university. All eligible students are required to register for a given semester within the first two weeks of each semester. A payment of five hundred rupees (Rs 500/=) per each semester is required and the payment slip should be handed over to the office of the Dean at the time of registration.
Moodle is the learning management system (LMS) of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences. The aim of this platform is to provide E-learning resources to students to enhance teaching and learning process.

Moodle accounts for students are created in bulk based on the information received from the Dean’s office. Students do not need to send a separate request for this purpose.
University email accounts for students are created in bulk based on the information received unless they are not created due to some technical error. If missed out, a request for an e-mail account should be sent through the relevant head to Dr. M.L.C. Menikarachchi.

Login into E-mail: Students can log into their university e-mail the same way they log into a regular Gmail. Click on "Add new account" on Gmail and add your university e-mail details as follows.

email: (type in the entire e-mail address)
password: your initial password set by the administrator (please change it immediately after you login)

Student email account is active during their candidature and students are required to use this email for official communication with the faculty/university.
In case of an illness or injury, the student or his/her parents/guardian should inform the Dean of the faculty and send the medical certificate supporting the illness within 7 days. The student should make a written request to the Dean or the Assistant Registrar of the faculty within four weeks of such notice informing the nature of illness and the name of the attending doctor.
Medical certificates should be obtained from the following persons: University medical officer (UMO), DMO, Consultant in the particular field, head of a Base Hospital, registered medical practitioner, MS of a provincial ayurvedic hospital or ayurvedic physician registered with the Ayurvedic Medical Council. The UMO shall certify the acceptance of the medical certificate

Deferment and Leave of Absence

"Deferments" can be obtained only when a student is registered for a degree programme and has not taken any examinations. However, after sitting for an examination the student may request for "leave of absence".
The deferment/leave period should not exceed one academic year except on approved medical grounds. The deferment/leave periods granted on medical grounds should not exceed two academic years.
A student who is unable to attend the academic programme due to a medical or any other acceptable reason may apply for a deferment or leave of absence. However, the university may not grant permission if the reasons given are not acceptable.
Whenever a student fails or is unable to attend the academic programme for over one month, the student or his/her parents/guardian should immediately inform the Dean of the Faculty. Within two weeks of such notice the student should inform the Dean or the Assistant Registrar in writing. The student should make a written request for a deferment/leave providing reasons for requesting the leave. However, the university may not grant permission if the reasons given are not acceptable.

Examination Related

The AR shall call for applications for the examinations form candidates within a week of registration for each semester. Applications will be closed within 2 weeks from the date of announcement. The application shall be made on the examination entry form ( and submitted to the respective department to confirm the eligibility. Completed applications are sent to the examination unit of the faculty.
Students should fill the repeat form ( and make a payment of fifty rupees (Rs 50/=) for each of the repeat subjects. Thereafter this form should be handed over to the respective department to confirm the eligibility. If the student has submitted a medical certificate (or any other approved valid reason) there is no requirement of paying for that module. The complete document should be sent to the Examination Unit of The Faculty.
Students should fill the re-correction form and make a payment of five hundred rupees (Rs 500/=) for each subject. Relevant forms are available on the faculty website ( and at the Student Affairs Unit of the Dean's Office. This should be done within 14 days after releasing the results.
The student has to repeat the exam unless a valid excuse has been submitted to the Faculty Board. If the student has submitted a valid medical certificate (or any other approved valid reason) there is no need of paying for the module. The medical certificate should be submitted within 14 days of the relevant examination.
Application for academic transcript can be downloaded from the faculty website ( Each application must be accompanied by postal order or money order in favour of the Registrar, University of Peradeniya or a University receipt for the prescribed fees. In order to issue transcripts results should be approved and confirmed by the Senate and the clearance process should have been completed.
The request for provisional certificate can be downloaded from the faculty website ( Applicants are required to make the relevant payment and send the applications to the AR office of the faculty at least one week in advance. In order to issue the provisional degree certificate, the clearance process should have been completed
Effective date is the date of the last successful examination on which the student sits after completing the academic programme. The date of the convocation is the date on which the degrees are conferred on the graduates.


Financial help is available at national level (e.g., Mahapola scholarships), university level (e.g., Bursary scholarships), department level (e.g., Astron scholarship/Dept of PCY), organizational level (e.g., UOP Alumni Scholarships), international level (e.g., Scholarships offered by foreign embassies) and at private donor levels.
Financial help is available at national level (e.g., Mahapola scholarships), university level (e.g., Bursary scholarships), department level (e.g., Astron scholarship/Dept of PCY), organizational level (e.g., UOP Alumni Scholarships), international level (e.g., Scholarships offered by foreign embassies) and at private donor levels.

If you need financial help or if you have any queries regarding the scholarships you currently receive, please meet a student counsellor to discuss your options.
The student services branch of the university is responsible for matters related to the administration of the Mahapola scholarships after the selection is made by the UGC. More information on Mahapola scholarship can be obtained via the following link.
Bursary is available for low-income students of the University of Peradeniya. Application forms will be provided by the student service branch of the university on their admission. The entire process of granting bursary is administrated by the student service branch. For more information, contact the student service branch on 0812392322


When you enrol as a new student in FAHS, during the initial orientation and/or during your first year a survey will be conducted by the Faculty/Department to identify your special needs. After this initial identification the students’ special needs will be catered on case by case need analysis. This process can be initiated by any student at any time of his/her studentship and assistance mechanisms will be activated to meet their needs.
The University of Peradeniya has a policy and bylaws on sexual and gender-based violence, you can refer to this policy at following link.
Students can report any form of harassment/discrimination directly to the Vice Chancellor, Dean, Heads of the Department, Deputy Proctor, Senior Student Counsellors, member of the university committee to monitor sexual and gender-based violence or any academic staff member. Alternatively, incidents can be directly report via University of Peradeniya web portal at
FAQs and more information available through
Undergraduates of FAHS can meet a student counsellor at any time if she/he is physically available in the faculty. You can also contact them via mobile or email 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Contact details of student counsellors are available on the faculty website (
Mentoring process starts by introducing mentors to new entrants during the orientation programme. The mentor is a permanent academic staff member of the faculty who works with a small group of students as mentees. The same academic staff member remains as the Academic Mentor throughout the undergraduate period. Mentoring programme is designed to provide a trusted advisor to each student and offers the opportunity to discuss academic specific and other related matters. Academic mentors will assist students to overcome any difficulties they face and direct students to relevant people for further assistance.
All new entrants will receive the membership of the FAHS library during their orientation programme. Further information is available through the following link.