Welcome to the official website of the
Allied Health Science ALUMNI ASSOCIATION
- To encourage, foster and promote close relations between the Faculty student, staff and its alumni and among the alumni themselves
- Social functions, get-togethers, educational tours, etc
- To promote, in the alumni body, an interest in the affairs and well-being of the Faculty
- To provide and disseminate information regarding the Faculty, its graduates and students, to the alumni
- To ensure that programs are initiated and developed for the benefit of the alumni and the student of the faculty.
- Career development programmes, workshops, industrial visits,provide latest informations and technology, arrange guest lectures, provide continoues edducation oppertunities etc
- To assist and support the efforts of the University in obtaining funds for development
- Annual dues programme for the members
- By contibution receive by alumni.
- Receive donations given by supported people and organization
- Offer scholarships and financial support to the alumnies and students of the faculty of AHS
- To serve as a medium through which alumni may support and advance the pursuit of academic excellence at the University
- To guide and assist alumni who have recently completed their courses of study at the University to obtain employment and to engage in productive pursuits useful to society
- Arrange varies programme to help public
- To pursue any other objectives consistent with the above aims and objectives of the Association
- A Decade of Excellence in Allied Health Education...
- On behalf of the Alumni of Faculty of Allied Health Sciences we wish to extend our warm wishes for the 10th Anniversary.